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A cool and crisp unisex fragrance (with a hint of spice), inspired by the mountains, glaciers, and ranch-lands of Montana. Think mountain air, grass, and an open campfire.
Concentration: Eau de Parfum
8 ml
Here at Abbott, every product we make is inspired by nature, so it only makes sense that we strive to be friendly to the earth and to our bodies.
We use the cleanest and safest ingredients possible: no parabens, no phthalates, no sulfates, and no BHT.
Fine fragrances do not need to be toxic or irritating.
We never use animal products, all of our fragrances are cruelty-free and vegan, and we choose ingredients that have the least possible impact on the natural environment.
Many essential oils cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction in the quantities used in fragrances. Safe synthetics consider this and are deemed safe because they align with health and safety standards. This laboratory process helps dilute the intensity of the elements so that it is not harmful to the consumer. And unlike most fragrance companies, we disclose our full list of ingredients.
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